Weather on the Natchez Trace Parkway


Average weather conditions (high temperature, low temperature and precipitation) along the Natchez Trace Parkway.

  Natchez Jackson Tupelo Nashville
Monthly Averages High Low Prec High Low Prec High Low Prec High Low Prec
January 58 39 6.4 55 35 5.6 50 30 5.1 46 28 4.0
February 63 42 5.0 60 38 4.5 56 34 4.7 52 31 3.7
March 70 49 6.7 68 45 5.7 65 41 6.3 61 39 4.9
April 77 55 6.1 75 52 6.0 74 48 4.9 70 47 3.9
May 83 63 5.5 82 61 4.9 81 58 5.8 77 57 5.1
June 89 69 4.7 89 68 3.8 88 66 4.8 85 65 4.1
July 91 72 4.0 91 71 4.7 91 70 3.7 89 70 3.7
August 91 71 3.9 91 70 3.7 91 68 2.7 88 68 3.3
September 87 66 3.7 86 65 3.2 85 62 3.4 82 61 3.6
October 79 55 4.0 77 52 3.4 75 49 3.4 71 49 2.9
November 68 47 5.6 66 43 5.0 63 40 5.0 59 40 4.5
December 61 41 6.4 58 37 5.3 54 33 6.1 49 32 4.5

 Current Weather Conditions along the Natchez Trace Parkway


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