Sunken Trace is located on the Natchez Trace Parkway at milepost 350.5.

Old Trace
Sunken Trace milepost 350 - Natchez Trace Parkway

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This early interstate road building venture produced a snake-infested, mosquito-beset, robber-haunted, Indian-pestered forest path. Lamented by the pious, cussed by the impious, it tried everyone's strength and patience. When the trail became so water logged that wagons could not be pulled through, travelers cut new paths through the nearby woods. Here you see three cuts made to avoid mud into which oxcarts and wagons sank, making progress slow, dangerous and even impossible.
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  • Click for a Location Map
  • Latitude: 35.1198
    Longitude: -87.76412
    Elevation (approximate): 1040 feet
    Milepost: 350.5
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