View from Birdsong Hollow parking area (milepost 438) looking north.
Timberland Park at milepost 437.2
Curvy, treetop bridge near milepost 436.
View of the eastern side of the Double Arch Bridge.
A mid-morning view looking west from the top of the Double Arch Bridge.
Photo taken at a couple bends in the parkway near milepost 432.
Photo taken of a curve near milepost 431.
Fall foliage at milepost 431.
Cyclists enjoying a fall day near milepost 440.
View of Double Arch Bridge from the valley below.
Parking area and trailhead area at Timberland Park.
Fall foliage at milepost 432.
Fall foliage at milepost 439.
Motorcycles near milepost 437.
Timberland Park at milepost 437.2
Fall foliage near milepost 441.
Fall foliage near milepost 431.
View from the top of the Double Arch Bridge looking east into Birdsong Hollow.
Sumac trees turned red near milepost 435. A few days before other trees started turning.
The Birdsong Hollow Overlook at the Double-Arch Bridge has long been on my list of places to see.
Fall foliage near milepost 439.
Motorcycle near milepost 440.
Road connecting the parkway to Timberland Park.
Fall foliage near milepost 435.
Photo taken of the Double Arch Bridge just before the sun rose over Birdsong Hollow.
Tennessee Hwy 96 exit (milepost 438).
Winding Parkway a little north of the Leiper's Fork exit.
Photo taken of the Double Arch Bridge from the valley.
View from the Birdsong Valley overlook, looking at the Double Arch Bridge.
Fall foliage near the northern terminus.
View from Double Arch Bridge.
Tennessee - Fall foliage