Clifton, Tennessee Bed and Breakfasts and Vacation Rentals

Travelers along the Natchez Trace will increase their enjoyment by staying at a Clifton, Tennessee bed and breakfast or vacation rental.

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  • Click on the lodging links below for guest room accommodation pictures, descriptions and rates; photo galleries; location map, area attractions and booking options.
  • Milepost number and highway intersection tell you where to exit the parkway.
Clifton, Tennessee Lodging
Milepost 370 - US 64:
Lodging located near Clifton, Tennessee
Milepost 391 - US 412 or
Milepost 386 - TN Hwy 20:
  • Commodore Hotel & Cafe - Linden, TN (23 miles from Clifton)
    In the small town of Linden 27 miles west of the parkway. This small, historic hotel was originally built in 1939.

Clifton, Tennessee is located 29 miles west of the Natchez Trace Parkway and 17 miles west of Waynesboro on the Tennessee River.

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